日本一小学定制阿玛尼校服遭投诉 校方:能彰显地位 分享到: |
A public elementary school in Japan is facing criticism over its plan to adopt uniforms designed by Italian luxury label Giorgio Armani.
According to local media reports, the school in Tokyo wants to introduce uniforms that cost more than 80,000 yen each.
Parents complained it was unaffordable and the plan was even brought up in parliament.
The school is located in the upscale Ginza district.
The Taimei Elementary School sent a letter to parents last November in which the principal explained that the school was changing its uniform to better reflect its status as a "landmark" in Ginza, according to the Huffington Post Japan. 据泰明小学校长和田利次称,为了打造“银座的学校”的标准服装,还曾造访各家百货商场,最终确认由“阿玛尼”负责。
The move triggered five cases of complaints from parents.
"I was surprised and wondered why such luxury uniforms have been picked for a public elementary school," a unnamed mother told the Huffington Post.
Although school uniforms are not strictly compulsory in public schools in Japan, most students choose to wear them.
Online, people were equally critical of the news.
"I heard that school uniforms were originally invented so kids from different income families wouldn't face discrimination," one person pointed out on Twitter.
"Children are not aware of famous brands... Are you saying a child wearing Armani will be better developed than a child who doesn't wear it?" another user asked.
At a meeting of the House of Representatives' Budget Committee on Thursday, the issue was brought up by a lawmaker who said the school had to consider the cost to parents.
In response to the issue, Finance Minister Taro Aso said the uniform was "clearly expensive", and raised concerns that students could not afford it. 8日,教育部门召开记者会,宣布要对此事展开调查并要求校方说明。据悉,该校校长已表示,“将虚心接受有关‘没有进行充分说明’的批评,并将认真进行说明”。 据泰明小学网页介绍,该校于1878年创立,至今已有140年历史。据报道,该小学位于银座昂贵地段,是该地区唯一保留的学府,虽然是一所公立学校,但在日本人眼里却是一所“贵族学校”。据称,日本作家岛崎藤村等曾在此就读。
上一篇:日本女生的校服裙子为什么越来越短? 下一篇:名牌校服才符合学校地位?日小学奇葩观念引 |
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